We are very happy to announce that our film “The House” has been invited to the competition of the section Große Freiheit of the Filmfest Hamburg 2021! We have produced this film with great effort of all participants in the past pandemic year. We are all the happier now that the film can be presented to an audience for the first time with this invitation. “The House” will then be released in cinemas throughout Germany on October 7.
Star journalist Johann Hellström (Tobias Moretti) is banned from writing after a source turns out to be a fake informer. Hellström suspects sabotage by the increasingly authoritarian government. Together with his wife Lucia (Valery Tscheplanowa) he withdraws to their fully digitized weekend retreat. While political conditions in the country continue to destabilize, the smart home takes on a life of its own. When two dissidents seek refuge there, the situation gets out of hand.

For more information click here.